- Be a friend
- Get to know them, ask questions, be interested
- Understand their story when they are ready to share it
- Be patient, trust takes time
- Explore solutions
- Be encouraging. Validate the good. Celebrate the positive
- Show compassion, offer support
- Point them to needed resources
- Establish boundaries
- Give them space to learn from their choices
- Be patient and understanding
- Be curious and open to their perspective
- Listen and share life experiences
- Don’t be a parent, don’t overwhelm with advice
- Don’t be apathetic about getting to know them
- Don’t judge
- Don’t tell them what to do, allow them to reach their own conclusions.
- Don’t try to rescue, be a presence in their life.
- Help them consider consequences for choices
- Don’t be critical or focus on the negative
- Don’t try to shield them from consequences
- Don’t solve the financial crisis
- Don’t feel responsible to meet every need
- Don’t micromanage
- Don’t expect immediate improvements
- Don’t assume you know the all the answers
- Don’t do all the talking