Keep Moving Forward
My husband is a big college basketball fan, and the month of March is his favorite time of year! What we love most about the NCAA tournament, known as March …
My husband is a big college basketball fan, and the month of March is his favorite time of year! What we love most about the NCAA tournament, known as March …
I’ve had some interesting experiences lately with my mentee that have reinforced two core principles that under gird the work we do at Hand in Hand. 1) We don’t support …
The reason we didn’t budget our money varied from being lazy to not wanting to be controlled. I, on one hand, didn’t want to put in the extra time to track the expenditures. My wife, on the other hand, didn’t want to live within certain restrictions for things she wanted to buy.
by Chris Dunn I recently met a woman who is a new referral to Hand in Hand. She is a single mom who just moved to the area and doesn’t …
“The devastating impact of financial abuse lasts longer than other areas of harm from an abusive relationship,” says Shannon Thomas, a licensed clinical social worker and certified clinical trauma professional who has conducted extensive research on financial abuse. “It undermines the survivor’s ability to navigate through life in every way.”
Our environment and what surrounds us plays a vital role in our way of thinking and acting. If we spend time in a cluttered mess, we tend to think more cluttered and find it challenging to motivate ourselves to make better decisions.
Often times the choices we make and our spending habits cost us far more than a few bucks here and a few bucks there. It’s pretty simple, money has a magical power to grow and compound if you leave it alone.
Do you or someone you know have a drug problem? Explore the warning signs and symptoms and learn how substance abuse problems develop.
Whatever the cause of disagreements and disputes, by learning these skills, you can keep your personal and professional relationships strong and growing.
Looking to nurture emotional intelligence (EQ) in your child? Learn high-EQ parenting strategies that will help you build their empathy and emotional awareness—and set them up for lifelong success.