Chloe Guza’s report on Kaylee Harrison


Chloe Guza
[email protected]


Kaylee Harrison

Any children in the home?

{Do they have any children?:2:}

How is your family mentee doing?

Kaylee( Marie) seems to be doing well overall! She has a new job she really enjoys, her charges sound like they have been dropped, and she is learning to surround herself with people that lift her up not tear her down.

What are their needs?

Her needs are housing, transportations, and I believe childcare would help as well.

What skills do they need to develop?

Kaylee (Marie) I believe she needs to develop her commitment and communication skills to help better her future and path in life. She is great at letting me know updates in her life and what is going well what isn’t. However when it comes to making a decision and communicating that she seems need more practice.

What changes are they trying to make?

She is trying to find a better place to live for her and her daughter as being at home seems to weigh on her and her parent’s relationship. She has a few options however I don’t know what her plan is yet.. I don’t know that she does!

What concerns do you have?

Kaylee (Marie) seems to be doing much better overall. I don’t have many concerns at this point other than keeping updated with her. She is really busy and I hate to add stress to her plate so I let her know when I am available to meet up each week, we follow each other on Instagram, she has my number. I check in on her but have put the ball in her court and she has seemed to respond best to that!

What community resources/classes would be most beneficial to them?

I think she needs a stress and parenting class like family advocates!! I am trying to get her to sign up. I am taking the class next qtr and I am hoping if I take it she will take it with me!

What contacts would help in their particular situation?

{What contacts would help in their particular situation?:11}

How can we be a support to you?

Yes. I think my mentee has a lot of walls up due to the trauma she has endured. However, I’ve been able to rethink my strategy of being her mentor and let her guide the way which is difficult because I have so many resources to offer her and want her to succeed. I think it is a good reminder that everyone is different and just because it doesn’t happen in a week or a month doesn’t mean there isn’t progress.