Chloe Guza’s report on Kaylee Harrison


Chloe Guza
[email protected]


Kaylee Harrison

Any children in the home?

Name Age
Yes 18

How is your family mentee doing?

Kaylee is doing okay. She was originally very open to having a mentor and was excited to meet. We met one day with another one of her friends and we had a great talk about getting to know one another.

What are their needs?

Kaylee is in need of a new job, diapers, and place to live.

What skills do they need to develop?

-life/work skills

What changes are they trying to make?

She would like to find a new job, stop smoking marijuana, move out of her parents house.

What concerns do you have?

Kaylee has a great support network around her. Her family watches her daughter when she would go to work. Her best friend helps her out with baby and is very supportive. I have seen people who are much worse off and succeed/make changes. I have given Kaylee many resources for diapers and other things, offered to help with her resumé, asked her about court and how things are going, picked up diapers, and my messages are left on read. I am trying really hard to help her without doing everything for her because I KNOW she can. I am just struggling with her on that. She also hasn’t provided me with very much information as she is private so it’s difficult trying to navigate with the little information I have.

What community resources/classes would be most beneficial to them?

-Parenting Classes
-Idaho Diaper Bank

What contacts would help in their particular situation?

{What contacts would help in their particular situation?:11}

How can we be a support to you?