Daisie McCauley’s report on Sarah Brummer


Daisie McCauley
[email protected]


Sarah Brummer

Any children in the home?

{Do they have any children?:2:}

How is your family mentee doing?

She’s had a rough couple of months. Her son was starting kindergarten and was able to escape the school and was picked up on the side of the road with their dog that bit a policeman. So a big story there. It sounded pretty innocent. Sounds like she decided to wait another year now to start him in kindergarten and he is back in daycare. Was trying to decide what she wanted to do with her job. But sounds like they really like her and are more flexible than I’ve ever heard of for someone that has to skip out to help out with a kid. she’s a hard worker but it sounds like she has a lot of situations that come up with her kids. Her older son is now back home living with her. So she sounds pretty busy and overwhelmed.

What are their needs?

I would say she could really use some help with daycare especially in emergencies and after hours. She would like to find a new job but I think that will be difficult to find someone as flexible as she has it now. She’s been in her current job for almost a year. So she is a good worker just has a lot of issues.

What skills do they need to develop?

She just needs help managing 2 very rambunctious boys. A teenager and a four-year-old that has his own mind. So she definitely has her hands full!

What changes are they trying to make?

She would like to be a full-time worker but can’t because she will need to make some money for daycare for her son. And now that he’s back at daycare instead of kindergarten, it’s going to be a while before she has the right situation so that she can be a supervisor and have experience for a new job. That’s what she is working toward.

What concerns do you have?

I just hope she can hang in there and keep her current job. Of course her manager is frustrated but definitely more patient than I’ve heard of a lot with how often she hast to mess with her sons being sick or having issues. But I think she is still frustrated with her manager and wanting to find a new job. I’m worried that she will give up on this job and have a hard time finding a replacement!

What community resources/classes would be most beneficial to them?

She went for a job interview and we introduced her to the company that will dress you and provide you with clothes and shoes and help you with interviews. Awesome program going on. It was too last-minute for her to be able to use it but I’m sure she’ll be able to use that in the future. We’ve also given her a list of places that she can find food when she’s used up her money for the month. She has used that.

What contacts would help in their particular situation?

{What contacts would help in their particular situation?:11}

How can we be a support to you?

It was really fun helping her clean her house. I went with a friend the first time and then my husband came the second time with the dump truck. We were able to help her get rid of so much stuff since she only has a small trashcan that she shares with her neighbor. We were able to really get rid of a bunch of stuff. That was super rewarding and I think exciting for her also. I think she’s also pretty excited to use the company that will help her dress for interviews. Lots of cool resources.