Jennifer Fitz’s report on Tania Sheehan


Jennifer Fitz
[email protected]


Tania Sheehan

Any children in the home?

{Do they have any children?:2:}

How is your family mentee doing?

She is overwhelmed financially.
Her has moved to Washington, living with family and working.

What are their needs?

Financial and parent from a distance.

What skills do they need to develop?

Possibly join a support group for parents of children with addictions

What changes are they trying to make?

I have sent her a list of resources and asked her if she needs any help trying to get through the list. She has not responded.

What concerns do you have?

I don’t know that she is being honest with me.

What community resources/classes would be most beneficial to them?

Same as above

What contacts would help in their particular situation?

{What contacts would help in their particular situation?:11}

How can we be a support to you?

She mentioned a restaurant where her son use to work. The chef had a positive influence on him. I suggested she write him a letter thanking him, Last week, she dropped off a note to the chef. I said don’t random acts of kindness!