Lisa Cullum’s report on Corrie Finn


Lisa Cullum
[email protected]


Corrie Finn

Any children in the home?

Name Age
Oli 1

How is your family mentee doing?

Corrie was more receptive at first.

What are their needs?

To know that there was someone there for her. She hasn't asked questions about him,

What skills do they need to develop?

Needs help caring for her baby

What changes are they trying to make?

She is a young mom and has much to learn

What concerns do you have?

Was in an automobile accident and baby was with her. Everyone was ok.

Hoping dad can stick with job and continue to provide

What community resources/classes would be most beneficial to them?

New car seat. Baby care, housing needs.

What contacts would help in their particular situation?

{What contacts would help in their particular situation?:11}

How can we be a support to you?

Many good discussions