Lisa Cullum’s report on Myranda


Lisa Cullum
[email protected]



Any children in the home?

{Do they have any children?:2:}

How is your family mentee doing?

She is struggling. I sat with her and the team to go over things she should be doing. It was a very good meeting, and I learned a lot. We are working on things moving forward. She has a job which is great but seems to be a bit lazy when it comes to doing her community service hours. I have offered to help her with paperwork, to get on the waiting list for low-income housing, medical, anything she needs, but she does not have a lot of get up and go.

What are their needs?

Not sure, a fire under her, lol.

What skills do they need to develop?

To think ahead, to be willing to get court stuff done, to be prepared for her kids coming home. to understand she can ask for help, stop blaming others for what has happened.

What changes are they trying to make?

She wants her kids back. She has a job, trying to keep up on her rent. she is keeping her house cleaner.

What concerns do you have?

That she just does not seem to get the idea that the kids won't come home if she cannot get it together. that she seems not worried about some things.

What community resources/classes would be most beneficial to them?

I think some domestic violence class would be good, but I understand she is in counseling, and they are addressing that.

What contacts would help in their particular situation?

{What contacts would help in their particular situation?:11}

How can we be a support to you?

Yes. She is awesome. She is trying, she has gotten a job, moved people out of her home, had a great visit with her daughter, become more positive.