Lisa Cullum’s report on Sundee


Lisa Cullum
[email protected]



Any children in the home?

{Do they have any children?:2:}

How is your family mentee doing?

Amazing. She has her son back full time, has her own apartment, and a new car.

What are their needs?

I would say some more furniture. She has a dining room table, but chairs are broken, she could use a chair, and some storage for toys and a slide for her son.

What skills do they need to develop?

Just to confirm safety with her son. To be more positive in herself.

What changes are they trying to make?

She is going to school to get a better job. She puts her son first, and hanging with some friends.

What concerns do you have?

A little nervous that when they close the case she will allow her sons dad to have contact with him.

What community resources/classes would be most beneficial to them?

To find some single moms with littles who can get together and do things with when the weather gets nicer.

What contacts would help in their particular situation?

{What contacts would help in their particular situation?:11}

How can we be a support to you?

Yes, for sure. She was very excited for me to meet her son and for me to see her new apartment. She has grown so much and is doing amazing!!! So, so proud!!