Paige Weed’s report on Cortney Mars


Paige Weed
[email protected]


Cortney Mars

Any children in the home?

{Do they have any children?:2:}

How is your family mentee doing?

She is going through tough things with her husband leaving her and her four kids. She is tired all the time as well with the new baby. But she is optimistic about having a good job and hopes things will get better for her and her kids soon.

What are their needs?

Meaningful friendship for her and for her kids. She needs some people to turn to and some people to come alongside her kids in their own challenges.

What skills do they need to develop?

I’m new to working with Cortney and assessing this right now. I should have a better idea by next month.

What changes are they trying to make?

I see Cortney in a survival type mode, which will all go through when we have a new baby and when anyone has something as traumatic as a spouse separation happening in their lives.

What concerns do you have?

I am concerned about the kids. As Cortney is a self-referral case, I don’t think they have a social working helping their family. I’m not sure that she actually wants that, but I do hope the kids’ school psychologists are aware of what is going on at home right now. They need the chance to talk to a therapist about it.

What community resources/classes would be most beneficial to them?

I think they need to be part of a community group, like a church group, or members at the YMCA, or something like that.

What contacts would help in their particular situation?

{What contacts would help in their particular situation?:11}

How can we be a support to you?

It has been positive to text with her and see that she is trying hard as a mom to carry her family through this difficult time.